Support Our Mission
Help us to advocate, support communities, build awareness
Signal Flare Inc. welcomes donations (large or small) from individuals and organisations.
We are a grassroots organisation that relies on volunteers to deliver our initiatives and advocate for our homeless people. We rely on the generosity of people like you to continue delivering for the homeless and others in need of help.
Your donation will help us to:
Continue advocating for homeless people's rights.
Support communities to ensure their rights are achieved.
Generate greater awareness of the plight of our homeless people.
Bequests are a great way to support a cause that matters to you. Signal Flare Inc welcomes support in the form of a bequest.
Types of bequests:
Residuary bequest – a simple gift of the remainder of your estate (or percentage of) after the fulfillment of other gifts, taxes and debts.
Example wording: “I give, devise and bequeath to Signal Flare Inc, free from all duties, the following ______ percentage OR the remainder of my estate and direct that the receipt of the President for the time being will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Pecuniary bequest – a gift of a set dollar amount determined by you at the time you draw up or alter your will.
Example wording: “I give devise and bequeath to Signal Flare Inc, free from all duties, the following $______ amount and direct that the receipt of the President for the time being will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Specific bequest – a gift of an item of value to be provided to Signal Flare Inc in order to generate income.
Example wording: “I give, devise and bequeath to Signal Flare Inc, free from all duties, the following _________ item/s and direct that the receipt of the President for the time being will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Your bequest will help Signal Flare Inc to continue advocating for homeless people’s rights and support their communities.
For more information please contact us.
Make a donation
Thank you for considering a donation to support our cause. Your generosity means a lot to us, and it will make a significant difference in our efforts.
One time
Comment (optional)

Meet our Amazing Partners
At Signal Flare, we are grateful for the generosity and support of our partners and donors. Your donations make it possible for us to continue our mission of making a positive impact on our community. We couldn't do it without you, and we are thrilled to have your support.

Lend a helping hand!
Join Our Cause
Signal Flare is a registered charity organization that provides meals and clothing to homeless individuals in need. We rely on the generosity of people like you to continue serving our community. Becoming a Volunteer is so rewarding, you get to meet new people from all walks of life and get to see first hand how your assistance makes a real difference in your community.